New upcoming consumer brands in India

New upcoming brands on TV these days are given below. Some of them are old brands continue to publicise through new advertisements.

1. Dairy Milk Sil - Kiss me close your eyes
2. Mass Endura - health drink
3. Nyle
4. Fogg by Vinil
5. Rupa frontline
6. Centrefresh - Endless
7. Spinz
8. Saavn
9. Yamaha RayZ
10. Tic Tac
11. Micromax Unite 3
12 D'free dandruff solution

Maggi Part II

Nestle has been regarded as one of the most trusted brands across the globe. However, recent past one month was one of the toughest months in last few years. One of the fast moving product Maggi noodles was banned in India as it failed to pass test to come out as a safe product to eat. Government came down heavily on Maggi and it had to close its operations. Profit earned in years on account of sale of Maggi was washed out in one month by recalling Maggi from different parts of country. Many countries banned Maggi manufactured in India. How government allowed to take back the product ??? No more samples no more positive tests .... after some months Maggi will come out as safe again , Indians will forget and start to eat again !! No hard feelings !! I am sure, Maggi will be distributed free of cost as samples , it will be left among people to taste if lead is there !! Till now no interrogation and no arrest !! Its India .... Nestle should not be unhappy over government's step ... CEO, Directors all are safe under the shell of Indian law and now we have a new clause for the protection of all " Suspending the sentences" . All the best to Nestle for Maggi Part II

Anherb Natural - Lady Hygiene Wash - absolutely feminine

Women private parts have always been the subject matter of curiosity and interest. What do women do with their intimate organs in their private moments or within bathrooms? How do they care about their organs ? What are the things they use !! Women share their thoughts with each other about their private parts , menstruation and their menopause. Also weight , expansion or growth of their bosoms. They know it is their private parts which attract males. A better care of cunt and boobs keep the interest of their male partner intact and lively.

Based upon above, we now have a product " Anherb Natural for a beautiful you - Lady Hygeine Wash absolutely feminine"

I saw the advertisement of this product in The Times of India Sunday Edition  in fashion section which are quite popular among striplings. The only funny thing is - the advertisement was located with the advertisement of Kayam Tablet for Constipation :):);) . The colour of Kayam Tablet was more attracting than Hygeine wash . Kayam Tablet just contain Desi yellow and red colour while Anherb advertisement on sober light pinkish and very much English type. Indeed , the advertisement is effective.

Now Lady Hygeine Wash ... the name excludes over half of the population as the product does not meant for males. The advertisement highlights " prevention of bacterial growth , fungal infection and freedom from bad odor " . Indeed these are the three most common problems for the lower private parts of the women. It also suggest how to use - " Pour a small amount on your palm wash external feminine area, rinse thoroughly, Use daily any number of times as an when you want to feel fresh " So this product claims freshness whenever you ladies want :):) Bosom is also the feminine part but seeing the advertisement , it seems to be the used on the outer part of the vagina not for boobs. The advertisement has left this obvious thinking on women and women understand women talks without say.

Also the advertisement claims " Effectivity checked and confirmed by FDA approved laboratory" so what does it mean? I assume  -

- FDA laboratory must be some high profile laboratory
- The laboratory must have used the product on a number women who were infected with fungi infection now and then
- The bad smell ( French think its a good smell ) must have been removed after its use from vagina and some independent nose have smelt and validated :) :)

The details of the product and how to use it is given in the official website of the company

The product is available at amazon, flipkart ... its good normally these products are very much popular among online portals !! Happy using and share your experience with the world if its effective... I m sure it would be !!


20 Jan 2015