The Heartwarming Magic of Birla Opus Paint: A Colorful Journey with a Sweet Voice

An ad with gingle after  while , In a world where advertisements often blend into the background, there are some that stand out with a unique charm — and the Birla Opus Paint commercial is one of them. With its delightful imagery of a small child coloring buildings and the soft, sweet voice narrating the tale, it strikes a chord with viewers, evoking feelings of innocence, joy, and the pure love for colors.

The ad’s concept is simple yet impactful. The baby, with a crayon in hand, joyfully “paints” the world around, transforming dull buildings into bright, vibrant structures. It’s a beautiful metaphor for the power of paint — how it can transform not just buildings, but spaces and lives. The child’s innocent giggles and playful approach to coloring buildings are paired with a soothing voiceover that emphasizes the magic and promise of Birla Opus paints.

What makes the ad even more special is the way it taps into our collective fondness for creativity and renewal. Everyone, at some point, has imagined adding a touch of color to the world around them, whether it’s by picking out the perfect hue for a room or painting a picture as a child. Birla Opus Paint’s ad reminds us that color is more than just a visual experience; it’s an emotional one. The vibrant shades are not just for walls, but for creating memories, sparking imagination, and bringing life to our surroundings.

The soothing tone of the voiceover, paired with the child's innocent enthusiasm, has made this commercial a memorable one. It’s a feel-good moment that transports us to a world where the simplest things — like a baby’s laughter and the joy of painting — bring us closer to the beauty of life.

In a world that often feels fast-paced and chaotic, it’s refreshing to see an ad that reminds us of the simple joys of childhood, the magic of color, and the possibility of transforming our world, one brushstroke at a time.

Birla Opus Paint is more than just a product; it’s a reminder that life can be as vibrant as the colors we choose to fill it with.

See the ad 

खतौली के लोगों को शुभेच्छा

खतौली के लोग सभी भारतीयों की हार्दिक बधाई के पात्र हैं कि उन्होंने उत्तर प्रदेश के एक विधायक को भगाने का साहस किया। मौजूदा विधायक पर अहंकारी और लोगों की समस्याएं नहीं सुनने का आरोप है। वह मुजफ्फरनगर क्षेत्र में भाजपा का असभ्य और कुचला हुआ चेहरा बनकर योगी आदित्यनाथ पर एहसान नहीं कर रहे हैं। खतौली के लोगों ने सही काम किया और अन्य क्षेत्रों के लोगों को भी निष्क्रिय राजनेताओं के प्रति अपनी असहमति दिखाने के लिए उनका अनुसरण करना चाहिए। 

यदि ऐसे विधायकों और राजनेताओं को सार्वजनिक रूप से बेनकाब किया जाए, तो राजनीतिक दल पहचान सकते हैं कि कौन लोकप्रिय हैं और कौन नहीं। मौजूदा घटनाक्रम से बीजेपी को विक्रम सिंह सैनी की उम्मीदवारी का आकलन करने में मदद मिलेगी! बीजेपी आलाकमान के लिए आत्ममंथन का अच्छा सबक.

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भारत में लॉकडाउन का सबसे बड़ा फायदा

दुनिया भर में अधिकांश उद्योग और पेशेवर कंपनियां बैकफुट पर हैं, जबकि कुछ व्यवसाय फलफूल रहे हैं। 
भारत में पैक्ड दूध की बिक्री जोरों पर है। सभी व्यापारिक घरानों में अमूल सबसे बड़ा लाभार्थी है। लॉक डाउन के कारण लोगों ने अपने दूधवाले और अन्य दूध आपूर्तिकर्ताओं को छोड़ दिया है क्योंकि उन्हें संदेह है कि उनके घर में कोरोना वायरस आने की संभावना हो सकती है। हालांकि, हर कोई सुबह-शाम दूध के पैकेट खरीदने में बेखौफ है।

यहां तक ​​कि अमूल ने भी दूरदर्शन पर विज्ञापन खर्च बढ़ा दिया है। 50% से अधिक विज्ञापन अमूल और अमूल के उत्पादों के हैं। दूरदर्शन पर पुराने क्लासिक विज्ञापन दिखाए जा रहे हैं जो काफी प्रभावी हैं। जो लोग 1980 के दशक में दूरदर्शन पर महाभारत और रामायण देखते थे, वे ऐसे पुराने विज्ञापनों का आनंद ले रहे हैं और अपने बच्चों को दिखा रहे हैं। अमूल के पुराने विज्ञापन देखकर बच्चे भी रोमांचित हो जाते हैं।

इसलिए अमूल खर्च और राजस्व दोनों मोर्चे पर सफल है। इस कठिन समय में यह लोगों के लिए सबसे बड़े रक्षकों में से एक बनकर सामने आया है।

Amazon's Business Challenges in India: A Few Instances of Revenue Leakage

Amazon's Business Challenges in India: A Few Instances of Revenue Leakage’s business in India has been expanding rapidly, but internal diseconomies of scale are preventing the operations from running smoothly.

Rather than focusing on others' experiences, I’ll share two simple instances where is losing money in India:

  1. I ordered a pair of crocs, but the size I received was larger than my feet. I applied for a refund and return. While the money was refunded, the seller never came to collect the shoes. It’s been over a year now, and the shoes are still with me.

  2. I ordered a Maths Olympiad book for my child, but received a Mathematics book meant for JEE/IIT instead. The value of the book I received is much higher than the Math Olympiad book I originally ordered. Though the book is not useful to me, I’ve been waiting for any follow-up on the issue, but there’s been no query or response after two months.

These are clear examples of revenue leakage. While the amounts involved may be small for Amazon, these inefficiencies add up over time and contribute to losses.

114th Foundation Day of Bank of India

Bank of India is celebrating its 114th foundation day. Leading dailies have published the advertisement on their front page. In a developing nation like India, if a bank survives for more than 100 years, it is highly appreciated. People across the country and abroad have reposed confidence on India public sector banks over the years.
We wish a very happy foundation day to BOI and its entire large team. Our country is proud on BOI,

Online Games to earn

With the introduction of Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) in September 2018 , the game has changed for online game lovers and earners. Those who has played PUBG, they have witnessed a sharp increase in their youtube subscribers. PUBG is the game of the season and has caught on like wildfire. Although a ban on PUBG, it has not affected the willingness to play for players and fans.

As per the survey of Hootsuite and We are Social, 31% of Internet users in India say that they play games whil 30% say they watch these live streams.

Youtube is the frontrunner for live-streaming video games. Vidooly has informed that it is now tracking 400 plus gaming channels on You Tube in India. 

Maximum revenue from You Tube channel comes from brand integration, following by superchat, sponsorships and Google Adsense. People have started to tie up with HP, Mivi, One plus and sponsorship from Omelet Arcade. 

Wait for more growth 

Source : BT
Devika Singh

Games in Cloud

Online money making video games are increasing day by day. Playing games online is now a full time profession as youngsters who are good at computers like to play for earning money. There are 560 million number of internet users in India which rose by 20 percent between Jan 2018 and Jan 2019 thanks to the high speed internet and cheap data.
Google has announced a cloud based video game streaming service called Stadia, which can be used on any device with a chrome browser, Google Pixel devices and television with Chromecast. This means players need not download games and do not require expensive systems. The Netflix like service would make it possible to play games directly on internet connected devices. Stadia is expected to be launched later this year !!


20 Jan 2015