Prega News _ Ad Kareena Kapoor

With the birth of Taimur Ali Khan , Kareena Kapoor and Saif are in news. The news were preferred over the genocide at Dhulagarh and communal disturbance at Pilkhana. Media was happy as they knew Prople were crazy over the good news brought by Kareena based upon mid aged successful effort bestowed by Saif Ali.
Prega News is basically used as birth control device i.e. it gives news that whether couples did safe sex or there was a hole in the condom. Those who want a child they do not use it rather its used by girls who do not want child at a certain point of t8me. The positive result of Prega News is followed by i pill which restrict a child to enter the world. So its just the first tool to identify and check birth. Now do we think that Kareena used Prega News ? or by using Prega News she got Taimur? ...All over cities Prega Card is distributing Congratulations.....surprising use of opportunity to encash birth of a celebrity child...or its a publicity that Saif can still be father of a baby. Whatever I say advertiser is a smart guy

Sweet November !! follow my curves - Zivame

Winter has set in !! Youngsters must be enjoying nights with their bed partners. Girls and Women must be thinking to put extra effort to attract their respective male partners. The exercise carried on the bed are as usual but it is very special during winter nights. Hence everybody prepares in its own ways. Girls stop at lingerie shops not because they have to buy a new pair because of shortage in the wardrobe but to think how would they look in the new design of a new pair of bra and panties...

Advertiser of the brand Zivame understood the above reasons and came with a new plan... 40% off on shopping at .. The title is very erotic and suitable .."Sweet November"  SALE 1000 + Most Flat 40 % off ...

Collection is good and women may fantasize in November ....

Do it for Mom - spies rejser campaign in Denmark

The "Do it for Mom" campaign launched by a travel company in Denmark is a very controversial and unique approach to addressing the country's low birth rate. According to the campaign's message, Denmark's declining birth rate could be linked to a lack of real-world interaction and sexual relationships, particularly among young people. The idea behind the campaign was to promote vacations as a way for men and women to bond with each other, away from the pressures of daily life, potentially leading to more intimate relationships and ultimately, an increase in births.

While the advertisement uses humor and erotic themes to attract attention, it seems to be based on the idea that casual vacations or time spent with the opposite sex might stimulate greater sexual activity, with the hope that this could lead to a population increase. The campaign's unusual approach, combining elements of sexuality and travel, aimed to challenge taboos and encourage people to take part in more social interactions, possibly even with strangers, to spark the kind of relationships that could lead to family growth.

It's important to note that such advertising strategies can be seen as quite provocative, and they have raised concerns about the ethical implications of marketing that encourages sexual behavior for demographic reasons. Critics might argue that the campaign risks promoting objectification or trivializing complex issues like fertility, relationships, and family planning.

Ultimately, the impact of this campaign, and whether it led to the expected "baby boom" in Denmark, would require data on birth rates, social changes, and public reaction to fully assess its effectiveness and the social ramifications of such a marketing approach.

Pierce Brosnan : Pan Bahar - Class Never Goes Out of Style

The advertisement featuring Pierce Brosnan endorsing Pan Bahar, a pan masala brand, that you encountered in Kolkata during Durga Puja in 2016 is a fascinating and controversial example of celebrity endorsements in Indian advertising. The use of an internationally recognized Hollywood star like Brosnan—who was famously known for his role as James Bond—was quite an attention-grabbing move by the brand. The presence of such a high-profile personality certainly adds a layer of intrigue, but as you rightly pointed out, it raises some interesting questions about the credibility of the endorsement.

In many cases, celebrities are paid to promote products they may have never used or might not even personally support. This is a common practice in advertising, but in this particular case, the choice of Pan Bahar—a pan masala and chewing tobacco product—was especially controversial. Pan masala products and gutkha are often associated with health risks and are heavily regulated in several countries due to their harmful effects. The use of a global superstar like Pierce Brosnan, who is not known for promoting such products, certainly seemed incongruous, but that’s part of the power of celebrity endorsements—they can lend an aura of glamour and sophistication, even to products that might otherwise be viewed in a negative light.

The fact that the Wall Street Journal also covered this advertisement shows just how globally significant it was. It wasn’t just an Indian advertising spectacle; it became a talking point in international media, raising questions about the ethics of celebrity endorsements in a market that sometimes crosses cultural boundaries.

During Durga Puja, when advertising hoardings are omnipresent in Kolkata, such campaigns can have an even bigger impact. The festive season, with its huge influx of visitors and celebratory atmosphere, means that advertisements at this time often get more attention. For a brand like Pan Bahar, competing with other brands like Rajnigandha or Kesar (other well-known gutkha products), the use of a famous Hollywood actor gave it an extra edge, especially in terms of creating buzz.

However, as you pointed out, there’s likely a disconnect between Pierce Brosnan’s image and the actual product he was advertising. The ad raised the question of whether such endorsements can be taken at face value, and whether consumers are aware that these celebrities are often hired purely for their star power, rather than their personal association with the product.

This kind of advertising strategy taps into the aspirational quality of Hollywood stars and their ability to make products seem more desirable, but it also reflects a broader conversation about ethics in advertising—particularly when it comes to products that may have serious health implications.

Lovely Professional University Advertisement

A new advertisement is being telecasted by Lovely Professional University in which a girl is introducing herself by saying she was in Apple , then Samsung and now in Yahoo. After that she tells her name...

The university is advertising and publicising its name by showing that its laureates get job at prestigious places. Has it anything like its students made some innovative software or invented something or wrote some theory on any subject. 

There are some questions ..

- The girl was a paid model or a student ? Such a student may never get time for such advertisement. If she is not the ex student then the ad attracts provisions of Consumer Protection Act

 - The girl does not look old and in such a small age she left two companies and joined the third. She left job or she might have been terminated. Normally people goes from Yahoo to Samsung and then Apple ... but in this case the girl is moving from Apple to Samsung and then yahoo... very peculiar. The advertiser does not think that a student has left world's most prestigious brand

The girl was saying LPU not the whole name as the word "Lovely" does not seem to be appropriate for an educational institution like a university. Like a father named a university after his daughter. Plus the word professional after the word Lovely is more in appropriate.

But this is India, everything is acceptable and all are good.

Dant Kranti of Patanjali an immediate threat to Colgate !!

In India, the name of toothpastes start with Colgate and it will remain, no doubt.  We have been seeing that a lot of toothpastes came and go to challenge the market share of Colgate ... like Forhans, Promise, Dabur, Binaca (Cibaca), Close-up, Amway, Vicco, etc etc. and with the biggest competitor --- Pepsodent. But they could not compete with Colgate thanks to product quality, effective advertising campaigns and marketing techniques. Pepsodent has to invest a lot in advertisement to show its market presence but it still has not become a mandatory choice of consumers. Pepsodent is carrying on only on the basis of advertisement otherwise its market share may be harmed without advertisement.

We saw some negative marketing by competitive toothpaste companies but Colgate was always strong.

But now, it has a threat from Patanjali's Dant Kranti. Every consumer is praising the product and even my personal opinion changed after using Dant Kranti. The freshness in the mouth remain for long hours. Effectiveness and strength to teeth shall be known in coming months but currently it is a much better product.. yes ... better than Colgate. This is my opinion as a consumer.

I conducted a survey of 25 persons . 15 out of 25 persons said that Dant Kranti is a better product and they have switched over from Pepsodent / Colgate to Dant Kranti . 2 out of other 10 persons said that they do not believe on Dant Kranti and it does not matter which toothpaste they are using and the remaining 8 expressed that they have used Dant Kranti and it seems to be a good product but they are sometimes using Colgate, Dabur's lal Dant Manjan, Vicco and others.

So that is the result of survey among 25 people , but overall If I see and talk with relatives , the response of people are towards Dant Kranti and they have switched over. They used to use Colgate but still they fear that other companies mix harmful chemicals and earlier they were not enlighthened , now if they have ayurvedic product they why don't we use it.

Competition is always healthy and everybody will be benefitted with healthy competition.

Zomato's valuations

It is surprising to see enormous attention for decreasing valuations of Zomato. Earlier, a great value deal used to be a news.. now decreasing valuations are getting attention. Valuations of two human beings cannot be same if there are multiple variables and factors to be considered. Internet based companies do not have much investments in fixed assets and properties rather they invest in human capital, intangibles and run on the success of their advertisement campaigns. Games of valuations are always interesting... for one agency Zomato may be priceless but for another valuer it may be worthless. Valuations are always based upon logical assumptions and current facts.

The business model is .... Zomato will bring a customer to a restaurant and Zomato will get a share.. plus advertising... Do we know we Indians are the biggest breaker of Indian Contract Act 1972. We do not understand and respect this law. No restaurants want to pay anything to Zomato.. they can pay once but not again . Once it gets popularity.. it forgets Zomato. Although Zomato gained popularity but it was used a navigator to reach a restaurants for once but not for ever. It has closed operations in various cities and it has fired many employees ... based upon news in public domain. These are the signs of suspecting going concern .. how can its valuations be attractive. If it is correct then HSBC has not committed any mistake... but if HSBC is wrong..Then Zomato has to search a new consulting firm to increase its valuations ..............but better would to understand the pulse of human beings , hotels n Restaurants and Indian advertiser... otherwise valuations cannot be attractive. Concept of Zomato is believable but lots of hard work and use of intellectual capitals are needed.

One billion dollar is a a big amount...practically the dream does not look to be so much costly. Buyers must be cautions before burning their fingers. Ultimately they are getting an idea not a tangible asset. If Zomato gets a buyer even at a lower value.. it may enter in to the deal and live life like a silent priest.

But its a good news for buyers...

They will start to search a company who can produce facts to diminish the negotiation power of controlling stake entity. All praise to HSBC who came up with bold step and now people knows HSBC does this type of business apart from banking.

Truth is always dirty and sour. There is a need to put a cap on soaring amount of Investment deals without adequate due diligence.

Tata Motors with Messi

Tata Motors have hired services of  great Argentine Lionel Messi to promote its car which is a good  initiative.

If the company brings some fun and more creativity in the Ad, it could be more effective. Currently its showing that company has hired Messi but needs more fun like Hyundai did with Shahrukh Khan in the first Ad and with Xing again.

Bharti Axa Life Insurance Advertisement - Not a good idea !!

Now a days Bharati AXA is featuring an advertisement that a protagonist is visiting an orthodox Insurance company with old furniture again and again and but the officer is not willing to settle his claims.

We all know, advertiser is targeting which Insurance company ...

We should not believe on such types of advertisement. I have personally filed insurance claims both general and life insurance .. and I got my money back without any hassle. Honestly I did not have to go to insurer a single time. Everything settled through my hard working agents.

We people should not make LIC and National Insurance, Oriental Insurance as like Doordarshan and BSNL .. we are proud on LIC and our nationalised general insurance company. Their services and plans are world class , we should not believe on such false advertisement. Nobody is harassed.

People might have bad experiences but gone are those days. Competition has hit everybody hard.

Skore Condom Adverisement 2016 : "we use it together" - Changing attitude of girls

A young lady security guard is frisking a young hot lady. Touching the girl's entire body and putting hands near to private parts she detected a small box stuck in the jeans. She found it a Condom Packet (Skore Condom) .. she asked with a question mark " but it's a man product" .......... the girl replied instantly " we use it together " and security guard convinced and let her go.. The girl looks hot, a kind of bitch , sexy and not worried about anybody's thought. In one second she convinced another lady that Condom may be carried by a girl. It is worne by a man but useful for girls .. obviously a safe and protected sexual intercourse and girl may suck the cock of a man without bad smell. That's why Skore condom is manufacturing flavoured condoms.

India.............. don't be surprised.. Condom companies are targeting women. Why cant a woman carry a pack of condoms ? Probably she gets anybody, anywhere at any place where both of them can enjoy one night stand .... or more on holidays. The advertisement directly hits the brain and attitude of young middle class Indian girls who are still shy but these advertisements inculcates sexual spirits of a young lady. Obviously after an age, a young girl may approach towards sex. Our movies, neighbourhood boys , uncles , sexual websites, pornography , jokes , intercourse of mother father and uncle aunts........... all play a vital role in creating sexual desire in teenagers. The objective of advertisement is not to pervade safe sex message or contraceptives use.... Skore Condom is selling condoms as a sex product. All the advertisements just signale pleasure and all the models are girls only a few are boys.

Purchasing condoms by a man is quite common but purchasing condoms by a young lady is still uncommon and Skore Condoms is targeting young ladies to be just like the diva in advertisement. If security guard is well convinced then why not another girls.

This is one of the most effective previous advertisements of Skore Condoms ... as this advertisement is focussing on logic to carry a condom pack by a girl. So one can measure the effectiveness of this advertisement by applying the formula

In sample 10 cities a survey of 40 shops may be conducted. The shops should be around girls college, gym , ladies hostel , paying guests hubs, bus stops and random places of Gurgaon , Bangalore , Hyderabad , Mumbai .. not Kolkata :) . The advertisement should continue and frequency should be a bit higher preferably double and then see the sales figure of Condom packs from those sample shops with a special instruction to count purchase of condoms by girls and preferably age.

The company have already used slogans like .. Women love dots, Good girl goes to heaven and bad girls go everywhere, Finally good news for bad boys... now .. "We use it together"

One can get answer ..

Enjoy the ad..will post video too - Lingerie Paradise

Basically the objective to wear bra is to hold the breasts and protect them to get loose. Also, breasts hold by a bra looked sexy and erotic. It is the shape of breasts that invite a man to chase a woman for sex. Women understood this and they want to be looked attractive with minimum clothes on their body.

Similarly the objective of underwear to cover the vagina and buttocks of a woman but an attractive panty doubles the attraction towards a woman.

Advertisers, manufacturers encash such feelings of striplings. Now underwears, lingeries are sold as sex product. These underwears are worne to get naked at the earliest.

The website is a successful step in this regard. Entire R&D seems to have been done to make a women more attractive and full of sexual possibilities. Underwears of a celebrity, Daily wear, special purpose lingeries, beach lingeries etc have been covered. Tutorials have been set up about the bra and its life time. Various models have been used wearing company's products. Also people can see how cleavages can be shown in a much better way. There is a name for every lingerie. French and Russian models have been used to bring more creativity. Housewives may be successful to create new zeal of feelings among husbands and boyfriends..

Happy Shopping and ... on...

Incredible India - From Amir to Amitabh

On some people , god is more kind. Incredible India , a project of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has been a successful attempt to spread tourism in India through Amir Khan. All the advertisements were basically appealing Indians to respect places of historical importance, good behaviour with foreign tourists, showing the best part of Indian archaeological substances etc. Amir was also gaining respect through such advertisements. First , through 3 idiots movie, then Satyamev Jayate in Star Plus and then Incredible India advertisements.

After his comment that his wife thought to leave India because of growing intolerance or criminal incidences in the country, he has been suffering a lot of criticisms. Public is now against him. Whatever he does , now people of India are not in a mood to relieve him. At least for sometimes. He appeared to be a wise man, but talking about contingencies in the mind of his wife , he is proved to be less wise. Already he chose Kiron Kher over his first love and wife and faced a little criticism. The most interesting part was Kiron is not charming or glamorous. Hence something is wrong with Amir. After getting best ever popularity from three abovementioned things, he thought public would like all of his doings and misdoings. He started to dug his base by offering some adverse comments against Hindu in the movie PK and finally by spreading words of his wife..

We have more lucky and powerful person in Bollywood, none other than Amitabh Bacchan. Already he has done best to spread tourism for Gujarat. Now, who is better than him to spread Indian tourism. He is one of the best brand ambassadors to spread India and Indians. A perfect choice.. Due to Congress government and a potential rift between Gandhi family and Bacchans, he did not get the contract of Incredible India, however now we have Modi who chose Amitabh for Gujarat.

Time does not remain same. Amitabh has already crossed bad times and he learnt from mistakes and never repeated. That's why he is still earning and most respected among Bollywood Starts. In Kaun Banega Croretpati, he took back his seat from Shahrukh Khan and now Incredible India from Amir..


20 Jan 2015