Showing posts with label but its man product. Show all posts
Showing posts with label but its man product. Show all posts

Skore Condom Adverisement 2016 : "we use it together" - Changing attitude of girls

A young lady security guard is frisking a young hot lady. Touching the girl's entire body and putting hands near to private parts she detected a small box stuck in the jeans. She found it a Condom Packet (Skore Condom) .. she asked with a question mark " but it's a man product" .......... the girl replied instantly " we use it together " and security guard convinced and let her go.. The girl looks hot, a kind of bitch , sexy and not worried about anybody's thought. In one second she convinced another lady that Condom may be carried by a girl. It is worne by a man but useful for girls .. obviously a safe and protected sexual intercourse and girl may suck the cock of a man without bad smell. That's why Skore condom is manufacturing flavoured condoms.

India.............. don't be surprised.. Condom companies are targeting women. Why cant a woman carry a pack of condoms ? Probably she gets anybody, anywhere at any place where both of them can enjoy one night stand .... or more on holidays. The advertisement directly hits the brain and attitude of young middle class Indian girls who are still shy but these advertisements inculcates sexual spirits of a young lady. Obviously after an age, a young girl may approach towards sex. Our movies, neighbourhood boys , uncles , sexual websites, pornography , jokes , intercourse of mother father and uncle aunts........... all play a vital role in creating sexual desire in teenagers. The objective of advertisement is not to pervade safe sex message or contraceptives use.... Skore Condom is selling condoms as a sex product. All the advertisements just signale pleasure and all the models are girls only a few are boys.

Purchasing condoms by a man is quite common but purchasing condoms by a young lady is still uncommon and Skore Condoms is targeting young ladies to be just like the diva in advertisement. If security guard is well convinced then why not another girls.

This is one of the most effective previous advertisements of Skore Condoms ... as this advertisement is focussing on logic to carry a condom pack by a girl. So one can measure the effectiveness of this advertisement by applying the formula

In sample 10 cities a survey of 40 shops may be conducted. The shops should be around girls college, gym , ladies hostel , paying guests hubs, bus stops and random places of Gurgaon , Bangalore , Hyderabad , Mumbai .. not Kolkata :) . The advertisement should continue and frequency should be a bit higher preferably double and then see the sales figure of Condom packs from those sample shops with a special instruction to count purchase of condoms by girls and preferably age.

The company have already used slogans like .. Women love dots, Good girl goes to heaven and bad girls go everywhere, Finally good news for bad boys... now .. "We use it together"

One can get answer ..

Enjoy the ad..will post video too


20 Jan 2015