Showing posts with label amazon ad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amazon ad. Show all posts

Watt a deal !! Watt a deal !! by

For 6 th 7 th and 8th May 2015, Indians have opportunity to purchase products at much discounted rate !! Now a days housewives , grandpas are asking what is this " What a deal What a deal " ad watching IPL matches. Then young member of the family says its on internet ... goods are sold at 30 to 40 % deep discount !! Young man open their laptop and shows ovens, pans, sarees, utensils, coats etc at much discounted rate ... this is watt a deal .......... Connecting Amazon new advertisement campaign, discounted sale campaign with IPL is a strategy which Facebook could not do. But Snapdeal was smart enough to capitalise IPL matches to sell their products. Aged people is dancing , Sardarji is dancing, Housewives of Tamil Nadu are dancing in the ad of Amazon, people must ask ,what they have got so they are happy , so users of internet have to tell them .... look goods are available at cheapest rates........... thats why these dancing people across Indian are dancing in happiness.This is what advertisement means.......... time to capitalise by online sellers..... why Ebay has not jumped in ......perhaps busy in earning commission only , but it could also wet its beak !!


20 Jan 2015