Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Fair and Lovely - How much do you believe on its claim ???

Since childhood I have been watching advertisements of Fair and Lovely. Models are changing but the claim of Fair and Lovely is not changing. The objective of its advertisement is to attract customers who are not looked fair i.e. customers who have a bit dark complexion.

The company knows that Indians are always interested in girls who have fair complexion. Dark complexion girls always face hardship to get a better husband. They have been listening adverse comments on their complexion and body colours from neighbours, school mates, sisters and relatives also. Even sometimes their guardians are sceptical , how the marriage of their daughter will be accomplished !! No good boy would prefer their daughter.

Among these problems , if an advertisement claims that it would bring fairness among those ladies, one can imagine how girls get crazy about their fairness treatment. They just forget about their education and goals , and they just keep themselves busy on improving the geography of their faces. They believe , the cream, will not only start to give compliments from boy and uncles , but also it will increase their negotiation from a prospective candidate of her future husband. In order to get a better face they just purchase at least 6 to 10 tubes and it will just impact on the revenue of the company.

We all know.. our governments knows ... consumer protection council knows ..... a coal can never be white. Our original colour of skin can never change whatever you do. But every body has closed their eyes and we are allowing the company to sell their products on unverified claims. A cream is made up of chemicals and chemicals can never be skin friendly. But people do not think and they just purchase purchase and purchase.

I was seeing an advertisement ... FAIR AND LOVELY FAIRNESS TREATMENT... now a days a frequent advertisement. A father wants that his young girl should marry but the girl insists on getting a job , get financial independence , wealthy , own house etc etc after which she can get a husband of equal status. Father is shown confused .... but her mother seems to be very happy. The advertiser focus on the face of girl's mother who is the representative of all Indian ladies beyond 45 years of age who have younger daughter going to colleges , universities, or on job. If this lady in the advertisement is shown happy and satisfied, it gives a subconscious effect on women of India. Now can anybody explain me... what is the role of Fair and Lovely ..... The cream seller wants to tell ... The girl got confidence because she used FAIR AND LOVELY FAIRNESS TREATMENT. ..... Do you really believe.?

Consumers need to ask the company to prove their claim. This hard question must reach to the company. It is just taking money from the pockets of the common middleclass citizen. The company has to disclose the results of experiments before public.

Now we have FAIR AND HANDSOME.. will talk on it .. later on!!


20 Jan 2015